New season, new putter?
Every winter we always make the same statements.
Must get the clubs out the garage again and head to the driving range.
Must play more next year.
Must play better next year.
Must putt better next year.
Must buy a new putter in order to putt better next year.
We often talk to our students about forming a relationship with their putter and embarking on an incredible journey of discovery with it.
Statistics will tell you that you will use your putter more than any other club in the bag. That said, it makes perfect sense to take some time in selecting the correct tool for the task at hand, namely holing putts.
We have all been in the Pro Shop and found ourselves drawn almost magnetically to the putter rack in search of ‘The One’ that will finally put an end to our putting woes.
We pick one up, make a couple of practice strokes and say to ourselves ‘that feels great’ as we imagine holing putts from all over the pace to win the monthly medal or The Open Championship, before heading to the counter to pay for it.
However, do we really take time to think of this latest acquisition as a precision tool designed to do a specific job? Is it the correct length and lie? Does the design suit your particular stroke or style? Is the grip the correct thickness? Is the weight and balance going to help or hinder you in your quest to hole more putts?
We strongly recommend you take the time and effort to get your putter custom-fitted. Most golfers nowadays buy custom-fitted drivers, fairway woods, irons and even wedges but have you ever thought about having your putter custom-fitted? If not, we suggest you do.
Before you splash out, find someone who can and will conduct a thorough and comprehensive fitting process. If you’re lucky, they might have a SAM Putt Lab. If you’re really lucky, they will have a TrackMan with the Performance Putting software.
TrackMan for putting? Yes, TrackMan for putting. We all know how good it is for club and ball data on full shots, we want to know what the club AND ball are doing on any given shot don’t we? So why wouldn’t we want to know what the putter AND THE BALL are doing when we hit a putt. After all, we need to know how the putter is going to influence the ball if we are to become a better putter.
Can you imagine going for a custom-fit session for a new driver and looking at club data only? No ball tracking? Of course not, that would be ridiculous! So why would we not want to know what the ball is doing in a putter fitting?
Without knowing what the ball is doing, you might as well wear a blindfold.
If you are in the market for a new putter, think about it carefully and where possible, make use of the latest technology to confirm that your new ‘magic wand’ does in fact help you hit your putts on a good line at the appropriate pace.
Please note that regardless of how much of your hard earned cash you invest in a new putter for the new season, the one thing that does not come included in the price is a ‘user’s manual’. That is one of the many reasons Karl Morris and I wrote ‘The Lost Art Of Putting’ which is available on Amazon and at –
Hole more putts. Shoot lower scores. Have more fun on the golf course.