Let’s play golf….soon
40 years ago, Chevy Chase uttered the immortal words “Let’s play golf” in the classic golf movie Caddyshack.
Hopefully it won’t be too much longer before these words are echoed on golf courses when we are finally allowed back out to play the game we have all missed so much during this period of lockdown.
There are parts of the world where playing golf hasn’t stopped and if you are lucky enough to be in that minority, I do hope you truly appreciate your good fortune. There are probably hundreds of thousands who would do almost anything to be in your spikes right now. I know we don’t wear spikes anymore (how I miss the sound of spikes on tarmac walking from car park to first tee) but you know what I mean.
Everywhere you look on social media, golfers the world over are continually expressing their frustration at currently not being allowed or able to play at the moment. From weekend hackers to seasoned Tour Pros, their shared desire is to play golf.
Not work on their swings, not hit hundreds of balls with the same club from the same spot to the same target but to actually play golf. Admittedly, ranges and practice areas are unlikely to open at the same time as golf courses but my point here is that everyone I speak to actually wants to play golf, on the course.
What this tells me is that we play golf because we love playing golf. We miss “playing the game” and all the challenges that come with it.
What is it that we miss? That is the million dollar question. We all play the game for different reasons. Some like the camaraderie. For others it is the opportunity to be out in nature, breathing fresh air. Competition is the motivation for some, while others appreciate the architecture and design features. There are those who love the challenge of trying to improve and shoot lower scores.
We all long for the feeling of that well struck drive and watching our ball split the fairway. The sensation we experience when we hit an iron shot flush dead centre in the middle of the face is one we all love and crave in equal measure.
Whatever your personal “why”, your personal “thing about golf”, make sure you place ENJOYMENT high on, if not at the top of your list when we do get back out there.
As someone a lot wiser than me once said, “Ask yourself why you play golf, when you play golf.” Think about that for a minute. There is much wisdom in what might appear a simple question.
When we are shown the green light to play, don’t stress when one of your playing companions tells you that you lifted your head, bent your left arm in your backswing or that your swing was too fast. Forget the regurgitated cliches, which are probably well wide of the mark anyway, simply appreciate the opportunity to play golf. After all that is what we have all been asking for as golfers.
If you see a member of the Greenkeeping staff, please thank them for all their hard work. They play a massive role in your enjoyment of the game but are often under-valued and overlooked.
Until the time comes, don’t wish your life away dreaming about that opening tee shot or winning putt, take action and head over to our store by clicking here.
Let’s play golf…..soon.
Until next time, stay safe, take care and appreciate all we have today.
Gary Nicol